Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Economics Majors and the Real World

How is it possible to be an Economics Major and not be interested in what's happening in the Euro zone now? I read about it in the newspapers sometimes, but I don't form economic opinions about what I read. I simply read because I don't want to be totally clueless about this big economic problem. I know that the Euro is in trouble and that the effects of the recession are far from being over. But the specifics are not committed to my memory.

I would love to honestly be able to say that I'm more interested in Development Economics than Financial Economics, and that's the reason I lack interest in Europe's issues. But if that were the case, I would be up to date on all the Development issues in the world. I didn't even know that the world population hit the 7billion mark on November 31, 2011 (at least, I think that's the date).

I keep thinking that it's embarrassing to be pursuing higher education in economics without any real interest in what is happening in America or Europe. Generally,  I don't engage in economic discussions because I don't feel passionate about the topics or I don't want others to know that I am not as smart in Economics as they are.  Is there something wrong with me? I prefer the economics practised by Levitt (in Freakanomics).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

 Life in Kobe, Japan.

I haven't been taking many pictures of nature. So, I went on a nature splurge on my campus recently. I go to school on two different campuses almost everyday. One to learn Japanese and one to facilitate my research. All the beautiful pictures in this post were taken at the Rokkodai 1st Campus. That's the campus for Social Sciences (I think) - My campus.
 I just love the colourful leaves here :). This picture was taken while I was at the half-way mark on the steps to the campus. The one thing I don't like about this university - it's located on a hill!

 Beautiful trees.


 Whatever that says.

 Old Auditorium

 My Grad School

 I can read the two lines at the bottom :)

View from a window at GSICS

 Spiders have the coolest habitats!

Friday, November 4, 2011

An Adjustment to my beliefs

So, today I saw the world from a different perspective. I realized that the concept of pre-destiny is broader than I initially thought. I used to think that our lives are pre-destined. God is omni-potent, omni-present, omniscient, omni-etc :) and therefore, he would know our endings at the same time he created our beginnings. The error in my belief, however, was that he only created one possible ending. It seems that God is the Greatest Economist and Operations Researcher of all time. While creating us, he ran an infinite (or maybe finite) number of iterated procedures, combining all possible probabilities. These iterations form the possibilities of our lives. Our initial steps determine the choices that will follow and he always knows the possibilities that exist based on our choices.

I always had a problem with Christians saying that we have choices, when I know that God knows our ending from before he created us. But now I understand that we really do have choices, within a set of possibilities provided by God. We don't have infinite choices, only those provided within the set provided by the Almighty. This means I am able to mold my destiny, within the set of possibilities allowed. I should never resign myself to thoughts like 'sera sera'. Once I am able to think it, then Maybe, it is in in my possibilities set. Maybe our set of possibilities is defined by our thoughts. Maybe we are not allowed to think impossible thoughts. What sense would it make to dream impossible dreams or think impossible thoughts. This realization gives me great inner strength. No mountain is too high for me to climb, once I can see myself at the top.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Many the Miles

Not even a week and already I'm crying.
I used to think that crying is something the weak do
but apparently, it's a part of the process. 
The adjustment process.
I haven't created a home away from home as yet.
I've entered into an arranged marriage 
signed a contract for the next 4 years
that I cannot break easily
given that I can't afford a plane ticket home just yet.

I will have to stick it out. 
Make friends, join associations
learn about myself and find out just how strong I am
personally and academically
This is my time to step into the shoes that will take me to a whole new level of maturity or a new level of understanding my limitations.
I really hope I have what it takes to make it out alive
and with a PhD

If not, I'll be very embarrassed, 
but at least I'll know that I tried 
As much as this adjustment process is difficult, 
I don't want to just give up. 

When I have my PhD, I wish I'll remember this day and smile or cry.
I hope I'll remember Sara Bareilles and the song that cheered me up somewhat "Many the miles"

"There's too many things that I haven't done yet
Too many sunsets
I haven't seen
You can't waste the day wishing it'd slow down
You would've thought by now
I'd have learned something
I made up my mind when I was a young girl
I've been given this one world
I won't worry it away
But now and again I lose sight of the good life
I get stuck in a low light
But then Love comes in

How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
But send me the miles and I'll be happy to follow you Love

I do what I can wherever I end up
To keep giving my good love
And spreading it around
Cause I've had my fair share of take care and goodbyes
I've learned how to cry
And I'm better for that

Sing how far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Send me the miles and I'll be happy to
Follow you Love

Red letter day and I'm in a blue mood
Wishing that blue would just carry me away
I've been talking to God don't know
If it's helping or not
But surely something has got to got to got to give
Cause I can't keep waiting to live

How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
But send me the miles and I'll be happy to yeah
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
Been talking to God don't know if it's helping or not
Many the miles
Many the miles
How far do I have to go to get to you
Many the miles
Many the miles
Oh send me the miles and I'll be happy to
Follow you Love

There's too many things I haven't done yet

Too many sunsets I haven't seen " -Sara Bareilles Thanks so much for this song :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why do I want him to call?

Why do I want him to call now after ignoring him all day?

My emotions are so mixed up. I really don't want to like him, but the time spent with him has created some level of companionship towards him. Maybe 'companionship' is the wrong word. 'Friendliness' may be a better word. So, he doesn't seem too bad. Well, I never really expected him to be, but why do I want him to call?

I turn down all his offers to lunch, dinner, date, whatever. But I want him to ask any ways. I tell him, 'no, you can't take me anywhere', but I'm imagining him taking me to the airport. He's also the first one to pop up when I think of going to a fun filled place.

I don't understand the strange things that happen when I think of men.

He's not unattractive. But it would be nice if his stomach was not as large or his age wasn't a concern.

How will I ever know when a man is genuine? How will I be able to trust a man when most of the men I know are horrible, selfish creatures? I'm scared that I may get hurt, so I don't allow myself to get involved emotionally with anyone. It hurts too much when I have to pick up the pieces of my heart all by my lonesome self. It hurts like hell.

So it all comes down to these facts:
1. I seem to like him
2. I'm leaving the country soon
3. That's not enough time to get to know him
4. I don't know how genuine his confessions of affection are
5. He may distract  me while in school.
6. I'm not really comfortable around men

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting rid of that task, picking up another one

I can't wait to start packing my bags in preparation for Japan. Even though, there really is nothing wrong in my life right now, I yearn for better. I yearn for new experiences, new faces, accents and challenges. For now, I really just want to spend time with my family and rest. It would also be great if I could get a handle on my thesis proposal and get it done within a week.

But, all of that will have to wait a bit, since I have this thing that I do every day between 8:30am and 5:00pm.  And In order to do it, I have to prepare for at least an hour and commute there in about another 2 hrs. Then take another 2 hours to wind down in the evenings. When I incorporate the time I eat, sleep and and use the restroom, I am left with only about 2-3 hours free per day. Now you may think this is good enough to do all the things I want to do, but somehow, for me, it's grossly inadequate. So, what shall I do? It seems obvious, :) Get rid of that thing that takes up so much of my time each day. I'm in the process of doing just that, but while I'm working at it, I'm still losing time that could have been used to do other things. But, there is an upside, I get paid every month for a portion of the time I spend doing this thing :). So, it's not so bad, but I can still complain and get it off my chest.

I'm so excited though, about the new turn my life is about to take :) Ganbarimasu

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I know the secret behind gossiping

I have just figured out why people gossip. Or at least, one of the reasons that they gossip.

In the early stages of life, we dream. We dream because an entire life lies ahead of us. But after either succeeding or failing at that dream or those dreams, we stop dreaming and essentially die (metaphorically). When we stop dreaming, we stop having meaningful goals and settle for mediocre standards. This type of thing seems to happen to a lot of women once they have children and turn into housewives. At this point, some women stop dreaming their own dreams. In fact, many of them stop living their own lives. They become mothers and forget that there is a woman underneath as well. All that they become concerned with or obsessed with is the well being and life path of their children. This lack of a 'life' leads to gossiping and other unproductive ventures.

There should be a class on parenting. Somewhere that will teach parents how to balance their own lives with the lives of their children.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The reason for our Existence

I just had a revelation. We seem to live in a pointless world, where we get educated, work, retire and die. But some people die young and it leaves us to wonder, what was the whole point of that life? If all the knowledge that one person amassed just dies with him/her then what really was the point of going to school, socializing and dreaming of a better life? Really, what is the point of life?

Some persons, economists included believe that the human race is really a selfish species. So, selfish that they purport that each person always tries to satisfy him or herself first. But, in the grand scheme of things, maybe they are dead wrong!

It seems....
like we live for each other,
that we are lost without friends,
that we only exist to make the world a better place,
or at least a much more improved place.

I think, and this is my humble opinion, that we are extremely altruistic as human beings. So much so that we can't really see it ourselves. We are indeed strange creatures. One would never guess from our daily interactions with each other, the high level of cruelty sometimes exhibited, but really, is it really because we are naturally selfish, unfair persons? No. In the end, we make the world more comfortable for the next generation. We have children and live for them. In fact, we try to make our lives better for them. We even want to leave them an inheritance when we die. Which other specie on earth does that? We seem to genuinely care about the wellbeing of the people of the future, who we don't even know yet. :)

Amazing epiphany, isn't it? The human race seems to be altruistic beyond measure. Even on a deathbed, the dying soul most always extend themselves to add just a little more value to the persons who will remain among the living. Isn't it just amazing how much we care about the wellbeing of each other? Maybe there is a method to all the madness we do on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, it's one of the puzzles that we are yet to solve.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Serial Quitter?

Are you a serial quitter?
How has that worked for you?
Is there something really wrong with that?

Some believe in quitting fast. It's best to quit early so that you won't invest too much in something that will not be beneficial to you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fire on the note of everything - A collage

There's a right and/or a wrong to know for everything. And the truth is written somewhere in between the lines, but there;s always something missing in the dark. There you'll find the true condition of the heart. Well, I can visualize the pieces of a dream and it's not as far away as it may seem. Matters not, if it be six months, 8 days, 12 hours since you've been visualizing it, but if I were to tell you the truth, it's you who holds the key to the places and questions that define your destiny.

I've been in love a time or two, seen the world, but not with you. I want to fly and spread my wings. I don't care to cry, I want to sing. I want to live to take a chance. I'm not afraid to love again. And I want you to fall for me too.

I've had plenty conversations with my heart because I want this thing to work, not fall apart. I ask my heart how can it be so sure, and it answered "because your heart is pure". I have every expectation that is true, because my heart won't lie to me, much less to you. To the mountains snow that melts into the stream, this is how my heart runs like a river to the stream. To the heaven up above, I pray to God our destiny is love.

I know that I've been avoiding you, but it's not you, I just needed some time by myself. Though it hurts to see you go through this pain, I can't go on the way I've been. If I had wings I'd fly away. I'd let the stars guide the way right to you. Don't care if this journey takes all night. How my heart yearns to be with you. I thought I would share my dreams with you, though I'm still missing you, but instead of just writing you, I'll spread my wings and fly like an angel to you.

I'm your penny lover, I yearn for your sexual healing. That is, to be cruising on your starship. I'm an angel in disguise, and I've learnt the hard way that almost never counts. Now, since we're happy with our strange intuition beyond description which we believe is real, there is only only one sky above. There is just one source of love, one song, one voice.


If every time I felt a pang of desire, I gave in, I would be no more than a wisp blowing in the wind today.

If every time someone told me a bad thing, I listened, I would be all bad with no good to offer.

If every time someone told me to continue playing the keyboard until I got good at it, I listened, I wouldn't have to work so hard in school today.


'If' is a terrific, yet terrifying word. Just two letters, but with them lifetimes of possibilities travel. The 'ifs' of the world hold so much power to do good and evil. But most times, we use it unwisely and dwell unnaturally on the past. Dwell on things that no one can now change. Dwell on possibilities that are no longer possible.

Let's turn the 'if' around and 'fi'-nd better opportunities to push the frontiers of our existence beyond our small imaginations. Let us remove 'if' from our vocabularies unless it precedes a solution that is still possible.

If I do this, then this will occur, so let me do this......

Source of image: if