Friday, July 29, 2011

The reason for our Existence

I just had a revelation. We seem to live in a pointless world, where we get educated, work, retire and die. But some people die young and it leaves us to wonder, what was the whole point of that life? If all the knowledge that one person amassed just dies with him/her then what really was the point of going to school, socializing and dreaming of a better life? Really, what is the point of life?

Some persons, economists included believe that the human race is really a selfish species. So, selfish that they purport that each person always tries to satisfy him or herself first. But, in the grand scheme of things, maybe they are dead wrong!

It seems....
like we live for each other,
that we are lost without friends,
that we only exist to make the world a better place,
or at least a much more improved place.

I think, and this is my humble opinion, that we are extremely altruistic as human beings. So much so that we can't really see it ourselves. We are indeed strange creatures. One would never guess from our daily interactions with each other, the high level of cruelty sometimes exhibited, but really, is it really because we are naturally selfish, unfair persons? No. In the end, we make the world more comfortable for the next generation. We have children and live for them. In fact, we try to make our lives better for them. We even want to leave them an inheritance when we die. Which other specie on earth does that? We seem to genuinely care about the wellbeing of the people of the future, who we don't even know yet. :)

Amazing epiphany, isn't it? The human race seems to be altruistic beyond measure. Even on a deathbed, the dying soul most always extend themselves to add just a little more value to the persons who will remain among the living. Isn't it just amazing how much we care about the wellbeing of each other? Maybe there is a method to all the madness we do on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, it's one of the puzzles that we are yet to solve.

1 comment:

  1. I can not believe that I brought up this topic today without knowing that you just wrote a blog about it a few hours earlier......interesting
