Thursday, April 21, 2016

If ever

If ever you were mine, 
I would change like the hands of time.
Forever changing while remaining the same

If ever you were mine, 
This poem,  I would not write. 
For my time would not be mine
And my desires would not coincide with ink and scribe

If ever you realized
That you i idealized,
would you be able to live up 
to the fantasies I fantasize?
Would i be able to proclaim all the feelings that have spun this tight knit web? 

If ever you were mine, 
Oh the feeling would be divine
But alas you have no price
And i have no means with which to acquire that which is without 
So onward little soldier, 
Onward with your stride. 
Someday lady peace will come 
and kiss you like the sun

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