Friday, November 4, 2011

An Adjustment to my beliefs

So, today I saw the world from a different perspective. I realized that the concept of pre-destiny is broader than I initially thought. I used to think that our lives are pre-destined. God is omni-potent, omni-present, omniscient, omni-etc :) and therefore, he would know our endings at the same time he created our beginnings. The error in my belief, however, was that he only created one possible ending. It seems that God is the Greatest Economist and Operations Researcher of all time. While creating us, he ran an infinite (or maybe finite) number of iterated procedures, combining all possible probabilities. These iterations form the possibilities of our lives. Our initial steps determine the choices that will follow and he always knows the possibilities that exist based on our choices.

I always had a problem with Christians saying that we have choices, when I know that God knows our ending from before he created us. But now I understand that we really do have choices, within a set of possibilities provided by God. We don't have infinite choices, only those provided within the set provided by the Almighty. This means I am able to mold my destiny, within the set of possibilities allowed. I should never resign myself to thoughts like 'sera sera'. Once I am able to think it, then Maybe, it is in in my possibilities set. Maybe our set of possibilities is defined by our thoughts. Maybe we are not allowed to think impossible thoughts. What sense would it make to dream impossible dreams or think impossible thoughts. This realization gives me great inner strength. No mountain is too high for me to climb, once I can see myself at the top.

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