Monday, December 8, 2014

Awesome Benefits of Exercise

I've had this picture for a few years now. Every time I look at it, I get a little motivation to stare a little more :). I have no idea who this guy is and I can't remember where I got the picture, but boy am I grateful to whichever friend sent it to me or whichever website I copied from.

Why don't all men aim to get this kind of body? Seriously, I would like this to be the norm, so that I wouldn't have to lust after this stranger because of his picture. On the topic of exercise though, why is it so hard to maintain a fit body. It's like our creator has a thing for hurdles. In life, there are hurdles everyday. For some people it's a hurdle to even get out of bed in the mornings. So obviously we are not short of obstacles and problems in life. Therefore, I think it would have only been fair to give us hardware (bodies) that didn't need so much maintenance. I started exercising every night for about 30 minutes about two months ago and I honestly can't see the changes in my body. I feel the difference, whether it be pain or more vibrancy, but I can't see the difference yet. I can't even imagine myself getting to the level of the guy in the picture above. How much time per day would I have to dedicate to physical exercise in order to achieve his muscle mass? I don't want to become like him though. I just want a flat stomach, strong arms and legs. Recently I've also become interested in vaginal muscle strength. 

Did you even know that was a thing? Vaginal muscle strength!!! Take a look at Tatyana Kozhevnikovam, who has the world's strongest known vagina.

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