Saturday, December 27, 2014

African American, European American?

The term African American is a bit confusing. What exactly does it mean? Why aren't black people in America called Americans or black Americans? Is the ‘African’ prefix necessary? If it is, wouldn't it be also important to add ‘European’ as a prefix as well, when referring to white Americans?

The word African American seems to be a subtle, but widespread form of prejudice against black people in America. The term suggests that these black people are not entirely American because they are also African. Centuries ago, this may have been true, during the slave trade. However, almost all the black people who live in America today were born to American parents with no close connection to Africa. It seems that many black Americans do not know much about Africa. They are purely American, products of an American culture. If they are good or bad, it is because of the American society. They are many generations removed from their African descendants, so how can they possibly be ‘African’?
If we were to apply the same reasoning to white Americans, they would be called European Americans. After all, the land that is known today as America once belonged to Red Indians. Europeans crossed the seas, similar to the Africans and made America their home. The fact that black Americans need to be qualified as ‘African’ while the white Americans are simply called Americans seems rather odd, given that none of the two were originally from the land of America.

The heavy hand of oppression is still alive in the USA. Its methods have changed to more subtle forms, but it is still as vicious as before. Black people have been separated from the American society. They now form the ‘African’ American society. The American society may no longer have Jim Crow laws, but it has ‘stand your ground laws’ and ‘white police officers can kill black men and get away with it’ laws to replace them. Black people are no longer niggers, they are now called African – African Americans, since they are not truly Americans (in the eyes of the white American). I wonder what persons with one parent from Africa and one from America are called, since the term ‘African  Americans’ refers to the whole black populace of America.
It is shameful that many black Americans do not even realize that this is an issue.  Many, if not most, have accepted this label as if it were one of pride. Many have decided to pretend that racist issues are no longer an important part of the American society. With so many people covering their eyes and forgetting history, it is no wonder why it is so easy to label them and create subtle segregation in society that seems ‘natural’. The European Americans are still in control of the African Americans, but this time, the blacks will not fight back because they have not realized what is really happening to them.   

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