Saturday, July 5, 2014

Rock Climbing in Ashiya

Yesterday I went rock climbing, partially by accident. My friend invited me to go hiking, but a lack of a tour guide and an adventurous nature led us to a rock climbing path. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though my body was screaming with exhaustion. Believe me, rock  climbing inside a gym does not compare to actual rock climbing on a real mountain. During the ascent, we found several scenic views that left us with a sense of peace and serenity. So much so, that one of my climbing partners kept repeating that she wants to live in the mountains so that she will be able to feel the same sense of calm all day everyday.
 The terrain was simply beautiful. The orange coloured dirt provided an apt contrast to the luscious green hills of Ashiya Rock Garden. The journey was one of endurance and bonding among friends.
 A few times during the trek I wondered about our safety. If one person had fallen and gotten hurt on the rocky terrain, what would we have done? It would have been extremely difficult to bring someone downhill because of the steep and uneven surface. I  hope the hospitals have special helicopters to rescue injured hikers and mountain climbers.
 On the way up we encountered mountain lions. Haha, ok, not really lions, but cute cats from the family of lions :). It struck me as a bit strange because it was drizzling and as far as I know, cats do not like being wet. So why were they outside in the rain? Are mountain cats less sensitive to being wet? I love the colour contrasts though. I wonder if they are a couple. If they are, I hope they'll make multicoloured kittens.

Look at the slope!
I climbed that ! I'm proud of my fitness level because against my expectations, my body seems fine the day after. I'm not suffering from any muscle aches. How is that even possible? Someone who never exercises goes rock climbing and experiences no pain afterwards.

Anyways, it was a very enjoyable climb. I think I'll do it again this year :).


  1. I am really glad that you had a good time! Climbing a mountain really evokes a sense of calm. :) When I start to live in the mountains, please visit me anytime!

    1. Haha, I hope your mountain will also have a path for vehicles so you can bring groceries home :)

  2. Awesome..... So we will go to Blue Mountain again at some point in the future:) nope... I have no plans of living up there... Lol
