Sunday, October 25, 2015

Financial Prudence and Guilt

Sometimes the people around me make me feel so guilty about spending money. Guilty enough to make me cut back on simple pleasures. I tried to cut back on the little things like lattes. I thought that saving all my money would satisfy me in the long run. It did satisfy me to a certain extent, but then it left me wanting and made me feel guilty every time I indulged. So from now on, I’m focusing on the bigger picture of the big wins. Changing my mindset, investing money, earning more, finding earning opportunities, etc.,.

Ok, so now after I've said that, I will get back to the real world. The real world of insufficient funds and single people without support. Let me get back to the ills of joblessness and no thoughts of carefree spending. Let's get back to the world of poverty, in which I'm currently a resident. In this world, there aren't many big wins, unless I win the lotto and there isn't really much money to invest in fancy sounding institutions. Earning opportunities are also scarce and when they pop up, they are never really in line with my passions and never really pay enough either. So still, I'm left feeling poor.

In the real world, the expensive lattes everyday really add up. That extra $1000 a year could really contribute to more important things than indulgences. However, what is life and all the hard work for if I can't even have a nice drink once per day? What kind of life am I living if I suffer in the present continuously in hopes that the future will be better financially because I denied myself simple pleasures now? If that is the case every day, what kind of motivation will I have to keep trying? Small rewards each day, can be very effective in helping some people push a little harder towards their medium and long term goals. Small rewards serve as a reminder of the things I want to have a feel in the future when I become wealthy and comfortable.

I know, I know, I'm from the Peter Pan generation and I just really need to grow up and save huge sums of money in order to spend it on things that I don't really desire, like houses, children and family related debt, while denying myself whimsical things like lattes. As a young adult with no desire for having children of my own though, doesn't that give me a free pass? Shouldn't I be allowed to have guilt free lattes because that is money I saved from not having children :)?

Some people save towards a big pension fund so they can go on cruises when they are old, but is it wrong to spend the money on the cruise now and enjoy it while I'm young? When I'm old I want to have loads of memories to smile about and share with others. When I'm old all I want to have is enough money to live comfortably and the strength to meet friends daily and just be happy. Kinda like what I do now.

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