Thursday, August 7, 2014

Time heals more than wounds

There are some people that we meet who we become friends with so easily. They are extremely easy to flow with; however there are others whose personality clashes so much with our own personality that maintaining that friendship is almost like pulling a stubborn donkey along. With the friends that flow easily, there is no question about continuing the friendship, but for the other type of friend, questions about the pros and cons of maintaining the friendship pops up. Should I expend more time and energy pulling this donkey along with the hope that soon it will decide that it wants to come along with me and enjoy the journey of my friendship? Or should I simply let the donkey go and if it follow me then great and if it doesn't then I can view it as a loss and move on?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions and each individual will have to decide what to do in each case. It's just another case of life showing us that there is no roadmap, no guidebook for the test of life. We can look at other people's lives but our situations are so different that we can't simply follow someone else and expect to end up in the same place they did. Life just doesn't work that way.

So, I've developed my own model that I tweak frequently to deal with the changes in life. I'm willing to be friends and work on friendships to a certain extent, but when they become too burdensome and detract from the pleasures and benefits of life, I will stop communication with that friend and give the problematic situation time to heal itself or become less problematic. After all, there is an old adage that says 'time heals all wounds', so why worry about broken friendships, with time they will heal.  


  1. I think so too. :) Some friendships seem natural, and others seem to require a lot of work and questioning why things end up like they did. Anyways, I'm glad to have become your friend in Japan!

    1. I too am glad we met. Let's continue to have an easy friendship :)
