Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My big step

Less than four years ago I quit my job in a prestigious institution , packed my suitcases and migrated to another country.

Gaining the opportunity to travel to this country was such a privilege that I didn't think twice about quitting my job, which by the way, had a few benefits and didn't pay half bad. My father tried to caution me against my decision, but there was just no stopping me. For me, there was really nothing to think about. I was being given an all expenses paid opportunity of a lifetime and I was going to take it.

Looking back now, I still believe that I made the right choice. I've written about 6 academic papers in less than four years, traveled all over Asia, learnt a functional level of Japanese, gained a bucket load of life lessons, maintained a stable, loving relationship for a few years, gained a lot of confidence and self reliance, made friends from all over the globe, among other equally important things.

 In the beginning, I only thought about the degree and the traveling that I would get to do. Then came the homesickness. Bouts of nostalgia knock me down every year but I always bounce back to the present. In addition, a lot of things didn't go according to plan and I found myself struggling like never before to simply face the day sometimes, but it has all been worth it. If I die today, I would go knowing that I truly lived. However, it's not my time to die yet, because after getting a taste of what life really has to offer, I want to see more and I have realized that it's all possible. So I am looking forward to the next journey already, even though this one hasn't really ended yet.

(Photographs are not the property of this blogger.)