Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Stars never refuse to shine, even when they die. So what excuse do we have to give up? After wars, lovers reunite and overcome the scars that's the war has left. In most cases, wounds heal and so with you, one day your wounds will heal and all you'll have is the memory of the time you were hurting.

The last few steps to the end of the road are usually the hardest for some people.
At this point, we need a big push to get over the hump that will get us to the other side. I don't want to miss the sunrise on the mountain top just because I couldn't manage to climb the last ten steps. But, those few last steps are the most difficult. Remembering this little fact is very important in life because it would be a big waste to give up all you've worked for just when it's about to pay off.

The probability of success depends a lot on the way you think. Perception is half the work. Motivation is basically finding a way to think positively about a challenge.

NB: The pictures in this post are not the property of the author.

1 comment:

  1. You said it! Many times I keep going because I'd hate to know I came this far only to give up when I was just about to get my breakthrough.
