Tuesday, July 30, 2013

X's and Y's

Someone said ''I don't have x's, I have y's - Y the hell did I do that?" I found the quotation rather interesting, so I posted it on my Facebook page. Someone then commented that I'll soon be at z :) What a cute line of thought. On a more serious note though, the quotation has given me food for thought. If we make our x's into y's then we may be setting ourselves up for more pain. If he / she is an ex, leave it alone, look at the mistakes made in the relationship and try to learn from them. It seems rather unwise to dwell on the reasons for ever having a relationship with that person. I know that sometimes, we may think bitterly about our past relationship, but shouldn't they just be stepping stones to a better, more mature, fun-filled relationship?
As far as I know, life is full of diversity and we ought to explore the variety that has been offered to us. As for my friend who is worried about me finishing the alphabet, I wish he wouldn't see the world through an old, sheltered man's eyes. I wish that he would see me with the same opportunities, desires and abilities as a man. If a man has as many lovers as letters in the alphabet, he is not chastised, but if a woman does, she is seen as not being lady-like. I turn my nose up at that kind of inequality between the sexes. 

Before choosing the one person that I want to spend my life with, shouldn't I be allowed to interview the potential life partners and test drive them for a while first? In the information age, who signs contracts without proof that the product is in good shape and can be used for its intended purpose? Why should relationships be any different? Bad or discarded relationships should help to make us better at relating to each other and lead to better future relationships. Being a student of economics, I'll keep test driving until I find the one that gives the optimal driving experience and steady state growth :).

1 comment:

  1. Only if you genuine plans on buying... Otherwise the guise of test driving is very misleading. I don't test drive Benz although I could buy too... The maintenance is high... Lol
