Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

I read an article last night about the poor standard of living in the first world country called Japan. The article was geared mostly towards the brutal winter most people in Japan suffer through. It made me think of my everyday decisions since the end of autumn 2011. Take for example, I am sitting in my lab, reading and I want to urinate. Normally, this is a no-brainer, I'd simply go to the bathroom. But, in Japan, I create a game tree in my mind to decide my next move.

Need to urinate

                  ---->Go to bathroom ---->walk in freezing cold hallway---take off pants in freezing cold bathroom----->After urinating, wash hand in freezing cold water---> Fingers go numb temporarily--->walk in freezing hallway, shivering to the bone to get back to warm room

               ----->After urinating, don't wash hand, water is too cold-->end up getting stomach bug later from bathroom germs--->Die alone in cold Japan

                         ---->Stay in warm room--->develop urinary tract infection--->visit Japanese doctor, who doesn't understand much english--->Get wrong medication because of language barrier--->Get even more ill--->eventually die sick and cold in Japan.

Oh Japan, why are you so cold? Why don't you have central heating like a proper first world country? Don't you care about the Gaijin from the Caribbean?